« The road to success is always under construction. It is a progressive course, not an end to be reached. »
Anthony Robbins
Lucreaza cu resursele existente si redefineste-ti experienta.
Coaching-ul nu inseamna sa primesti sfaturi, ci sa te desavarsesti folosind resursele pe care le ai la indemana.
Seeds for Success este invitat ca speaker la Conferinta Anuala a Coaching care va avea loc marti 6 octombrie. La ora 14:00, Mihai Popa Radu va vorbi despre rolul liderului in deschiderea cailor spre schimbarea de succes.
The winner of Business-Edu Awards for "Best coach of the year 2008", Mihai Popa-Radu is an accredited Professional Coach, working through his coaching practice Seeds for Success with both European companies and individuals who believe in his motto: “Impossible is a matter of opinion!”
His main interests are in the areas of executive development, leadership coaching and team performance, and he assists senior executives in maximising their career opportunities.
Among his successes in the corporate arena is the design of a series of coaching programmes for a FTSE 100 company, focused on team high performance and the research and development of a leadership module for a major UK Executive Coaching training programme. After moving to the United Kingdom, Mihai improved his personal development and talent management expertise by training with top-level European experts in areas such as Coaching, Leadership, Negotiation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Intelligence. He is now practicing Executive and Life Coaching in London, is the only Romanian member of the European Coaching Insitute (the leading European professional coaching association) and one of the very few professionally-trained coaches active in Romania.
Company: Seeds for Success - Romania
Sursa: Coaching Business Edu